Taste Happiness with Milky!

Taste Happiness with Milky!

Meet Peko-chan, the iconic mascot of the Japanese candy Milky and the company that makes it, Fujya! A cheerful little girl who loves keeping her brown hair in pigtails, Peko embodies the joy the Milky brings.

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Dagashi: Japan's Fun Snack!

Dagashi: Japan's Fun Snack!

Let's dive into the delicious and colorful world of dagashi—Japan's cheap and playful treat! Dagashi isn’t just sweets, it’s a tiny, affordable treasure packed with culture, flavor, and fun! It even brings back childhood memories for Japanese people. Here’s everything you need to know about this Japanese treat that has tickled taste buds for generations!

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Have a Big Bite of Caplico!

Have a Big Bite of Caplico!

Caplico is a Japanese chocolate snack that's designed to look like your favorite ice cream cone, so you can enjoy the treat without feeling cold. Created by Japanese food company Glico, Caplico is an airy chocolate treat that’s popular among Japanese pop culture fans. Let’s unwrap the magic of this yummy treat and discover why it’s the snack you didn’t know you needed!

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The Long Secrets of Sakeru Gummy!

The Long Secrets of Sakeru Gummy!

Sakeru Gummy is a yummy Japanese candy that you can eat and play with. Made by UHA Mikakuto, this Japanese gummy is known for its unique candy feature - you can tear each piece into long strips before eating them!

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Fizzy Facts About Ramune

Fizzy Facts About Ramune

Are you ready to dive into the fizzy, fun world of Ramune? This drink isn't just any ordinary soda; it's an iconic Japanese drink that’s a part of history, culture, and summer fun! For over a century, this drink has become a staple in the world of Japanese soda. How was it able to overcome the test of time? Let’s pop the cap off the ramune drink and find out!

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Konpeito: Japan's Tiny Treats

Konpeito: Japan's Tiny Treats

Konpeito, a star-shaped sugar candy with a subtle sweetness, isn't your ordinary rock candy. It's part of Japan's colorful culture! This traditional treat can be found in Japanese confectionery stores and is a must-try for fans of Japanese pop-culture.

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The Complete List of Popin’ Cookin’ Kits

The Complete List of Popin’ Cookin’ Kits

You’re always in for a good time when you’ve got Popin' Cookin'!  This series of Japanese DIY candy kits from Kracie helps you bring the most fantastic dishes to life with the use of candy, creativity, and a buttload of imagination. 

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Time to Get Popin' Cookin'!

Time to Get Popin' Cookin'!

Popin’ Cookin’ is all about having fun while making your very own wild and colorful creations out of yummy Japanese candy! This popular Japanese DIY candy kit series from Kracie gives kids and the kids-at-heart the opportunity to form their very own miniature versions of popular dishes using sweets.

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Chew All the Japanese Hi-Chew Flavors!

Chew All the Japanese Hi-Chew Flavors!

Get ready for a delicious adventure with more than 200 unique and mouthwatering flavors of Japanese Hi-Chew! From classic favorites like strawberry and grape to exotic choices such as lychee and yuzu, this chewy candy from Morinaga Japan offers flavors for everyone to enjoy!

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Pocky Day

Have A Happy Pocky Day!

Hey there Japanese Pocky fans! It’s time to get ready to indulge in a stick-shaped snack extravaganza that’s headed your way. That’s right, we’re talking about the legendary Pocky Day!

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